17 April 2008

Severe Weather Tonight in Texas

When I hear on the news that we have severe weather, my ears always perk up. Texas is a place where you should always have your eye on the weather - it can change in the blink of an eye. After all, on my way home from work it was overcast and I saw a rainbow and now we have Severe Weather Warnings.

This evening, Fort Worth got grapefruit sized hail! WOW! Scary what that might do to a car or house, let alone a person/animal unlucky enough to be out in it. At this hour the storm has passed almost completely through Fort Worth and is headed to Dallas. The winds have been very strong and we are under a Severe Thunderstorm Warning AND a Flash Flood Warning.

When one moves to Texas they learn very quickly that a Watch means that "it could happen" and a Warning means "the conditions are right for it to happen" and it probably will.

The weather-people have the most lenient jobs. They can be totally wrong about the forecast and still have their job and be trusted tomorrow.

I hope everyone is dry and safe out there this evening. During the bad winds I was hunkered down in the safest place I could find while I crafted by candlelight. :)

1 comment:

Rosebud Collection said...

I hope all is quiet there now..I don't like those kind of storms..very

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