So I went to the Etsy Dallas Spring Bash on May 16th. It was a great event. I'll confess when I got home that evening, I parked my car in the garage and brought up one load -- leaving the rest for the next day.
Exhausted, I opened and put away two boxes of show stuff. In the second box, I reached in and pulled out something soft and blue that I hadn't seen before. It was a monster with two long ears and a sad yellow face. So, I wondered if he was an intentional stowaway or an accidental tourist. I parked him next to my desk monster still wondering how he ended up at my house (I think my monster had ear envy). I went to dreamland and slept like a rock.
The next morning, I unloaded the rest of the car and got everything put away. I read a few emails and saw there was a new post on the Etsy Dallas Discussion Groups called "Lost Monster!". I checked it out -- it was the same sad blue creature. The lost monster belonged to the daughter of ArtfullExpression. After the show ended, there was an all out search for the monster. He was not found and there was much sadness over his disappearance. That cute little blue monster was originally created by AnkleBiter. (Be sure to check out her shop -- there are many of the cutie blue monsters siblings available for adoption.)
After reading the discussion group, I got in touch with ArtfullExpression to see where I could send the monster to reunite him with his little human. I didn't know that she hadn't told her daughter that the lost monster had been located. So, I wrapped him up in tissue with a little note on the outside that said " sleeping." Before I wrapped him up, I attached a little note to his ear saying -- I missed you a lot. I had a little giggle to myself as I pulled up at the post office. The clerk asked if my package had anything flammable, fragile, or perishable — I smiled and replied no.
A few days later the package arrived in the mailbox of ArtfulExpression who said "my daughter got to the mail before I got home that day and found him. I hadn't told her he had been located. Needless to say she was thrilled. She hasn't let him out of her sight. Well, except for when she goes to school. No monsters allowed there!"
I'm so glad there was a happy ending to this adventure...but I still don't know how the mischievous blue monster ended up with my show stuff.
What's the funniest thing that has happened to you at a show?